Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Safety Measures taken by SBR
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Safety Measures taken by SBR

Health and wellbeing of the guests and employees are the major priority of Shelter Beach Resort. Our main philosophy is “We Love to Care” where we ensure to follow strict safety measures and precautions considering the Covid-19 situation.
As the first step, the staffs at Shelter Beach Resort have been well trained in combating the global pandemic. We have structured a list of precautionary measures which are followed on mandatory terms by the management.
Check-in Rules At the Entrance
It is advised for the guests to take-up the temperature check during the entry and exit. If the temperature is above normal, the guests are required to return, consult a doctor and isolate themselves in their home.
All the guests will be instructed to follow the rules for the safety of them and the community. “Social distancing” is the major criteria to be adhered by the entire management and the guests who check-in at the resort.
Wear N-95 Masks
At the onset of the Covid-19 crisis, all the staff members and newly arrived guests are requested to wear the N-95 Masks upon their arrival. The protective masks are worn by the hotel colleagues in the resort property.
Safeguarding Dining Experience at Restaurant
For our Food & Beverage outlets, the SBR Team has implemented different food safety measures right from food preparation to dining experience.
- All the beverage containers are sprayed with alcohol-based disinfectants and wiped with dry cloth/tissue.
- Temperature checks are conducted before the dining area of the restaurant.
- All the chefs are required to wear N-95 masks when handling food items.
- The dining seating arrangement has been adjusted to 1.5m distance from each other.
- All the crockery and utensils used at the buffet counters are changed and sanitized every 30 minutes.
- A housekeeping agent is appointed to wipe all the dining tables and chairs with designated disinfectant, so guests can experience safe dining.
New Hygiene Practices On Room Cleanliness
New standard practices have been introduced considering the wellness of the guests visiting our resort.
- Remotes & Hangers – sprayed with alcohol-based disinfectants and wiped with dry cloth/tissue.
- Mirrors and Glass windows – sprayed with detergents & warm water and wiped with a dry cloth.
- Cupboards – Wiped with diluted bleach solutions and dry cloth.
- Door Knobs, Chairs and Tables – Wiped with alcohol-based disinfectants and dry cloth.
- TV Screen & Switch boards – Wiped using a dry cloth with Surgical Spirit.
- Toilet Flush Handles & Restroom Pipes – Wiped with diluted bleach solutions and dry cloth.
- Bedspread & Linen – Protectives have been used first. Then sprayed with alcohol-based disinfectants and wiped with a dry cloth.
Cleanliness Measures Inside the Resort
As part of SBR’s Commitment to Cleanliness, the resort has developed new measures to maintain inside the resort. It include:
- Staff and guests are encouraged to apply alcohol based disinfectant which will be installed in the resort public areas.
- Main entrance and the hotel lobby’s area are sprayed with qualified disinfectant every hour.
- Air purifiers are installed in the main areas of the resort.
The management of Shelter Beach Resort ensures to strictly adhere to the policies and information shared by various health organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), local authorities and other leading organization.
Our entire team is well prepared and organized to uphold the cleanliness of our beach resort in ECR.
Shelter Beach resort is looking forward to welcoming guests shortly!